1. Rule of thumb: Be nice to everyone! Isn't this what is about?

  2. Catch All: Do not attempt to play games with us. If you are unsure if something is illegal or not, ASK before doing so

  3. Names: All names, whether they belong to guilds, characters, or pets, need to be appropriate for the game. At most, they should be suitable for a pg-13 rating

  4. Botting / Macros / Scripts :Do not use ANY bot and/or third party program* under ANY circumstance.This Includes, but is not limited to, using scripts that can operate for an extended amount of time without any additional input. If one button makes you skip steps on clicking, then you shouldn't do it. Even if it is not in your computer or attached to your computer, using a ducking-bird to hit a key will enduce the same effect as any bot or script so don't complain when you get banned. GMs can't remote-access your webcam, so to us you are just like the rest of them.   First offense - Permanent Ban

  5. Bug Abuse
  • Exploiting and doing other things deemed against the rules by a GM will result in an insta-ban. Report all bugs/exploits to the GM team via PM Immediately. (Exploiting: Abusing a bug in the game for self gain.)
  • Examples are but not limited to: Using a Ninja character to Shadow Jump to a place that is normally not accessible, making you harder (if not impossible) to attack.
  • Bug exploit not involving economy change or self gain - Temporary ban (up to 7 days.)
  • Bug exploit involving changes to the economy or for self gain - Temporary ban (minimum 3 weeks, maximum up to permanent ban, done by a case by case basis.) 

    6.-Hacking :Hacking via a brute force method, is illegal. If you were dumb enough to share your information or trust someone's program that gives you unlimited items/credits, that's your own fault.


    7.Guild Emblems: Copying another guild's emblem without permission is not allowed.

In relation to WoE, as stated below, the use of no emblem, or a transparent emblem is not allowed. A highly transparent emblem, even if it not completely invisible, can still be grounds for punishment under this rule.


    8.Respect the Staff: 

  • Do not beg for any items, zeny, events, or to have commands used on you.
  • Try not to bother the GMs unless you are absolutely sure you cannot solve your problem on your own.
  • Do not ask to be a GM/Staff member.
  • Kindly respect and be courteous to the GMs/ Staff members and listen to them.

     9.Offensive Language / Excessive Swearing :

  • Constant and or repetitive swearing is illegal. There are children who play
  • The use of racial slurs will not be tolerated. No matter what ethnicity you may be, or how the person you are talking to doesn't mind it, some people can and most likely will be offended in some way. If you want to talk to your friend using that sort of language, take it off of RRO, or use PM's.