Start your adventure and here we will give you some tips for level
Lv 1- 10lv you can started the instance with erza and she will give you the novice pack set .After that u can go with job master and change ur job if u have joblvl 10
10Lv - 30Lv you have 2 optcions visit anthell level 1 and kill the ants egg or visit payon dungeo 1 and kill zombies, skeleton
30-65 Lv here you can go to moscovia dungeo 1 when you get job lvl 50 you can change with job master . (you can try the eden group
65-99Lv ima give you 2 optcions u can get good experiense in beach dungeo 1 or cursed abbey 3
100-160Lv .when you get high class you can visit dungeos more hard like thor volcano 1 and 3. ofc you can visit the artistic city there will get more experiense, bio
laboratory is a good option too, there is the last dngeo for get 255 lv. remember you can win a addictive candy from some events or daily reward that candys can give you 1 level for each
candy. the first month we will have many events and one of these event is "Rain of Addictive Candys" then with this your level will be more easy ^^